Piano Solo
J.B. Cramer | C. Czerny | C.E. Hartknoch | Fr. Kalkbrenner | I. Moscheles | A.E. Müller | S. Thalberg | J. Wölfl
“I am very glad that I stumbled upon your editions. I played them this week with increasing enthusiasm. First came Kalkbrenner’s miraculous Preludes, then Cramer (of whom I posess some of his sonatas with high opus numbers) a revelation, wonderful music. And then Czerny of whom I have always thought that he only had written etudes. A new world was opened to me, for example this magnificent Scherzo in e minor!”
“I dearly hope to play more pieces in the future of these forgotten masters. How unbelievable it is that these works are only scarcely played….”
“Gorgeous print quality! Congratulation!”
“I would like to thank you deeply for the wonderful edition you sent me! I was blown away by the quality and the beauty of details.”
“The Moscheles editions arrived in the mail this afternoon. Thank you for producing such beautiful editions. I am studying the pedagogical work of Moscheles and am grateful that someone is making quality editions of this music.”
“The music arrived two days ago. I have spent hours and hours reading through it. I am so happy. Your editions are flawless. I love the size, the print, paper, everything! Congratulations on such a meticulous job. You must continue these someway!”